Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hot Chocolate 15K

Also this past weekend, DC hosted its first Hot Chocolate 15K, an event that has been put on by RAM Racing in Chicago for several years, and they're trying to expand.  It felt wonderful to be out running--this was the longest race I've ever done!--but I have to agree with the consensus that the race was terribly organized.  An inadequate venue, traffic issues, poor communication on race day, a course that had us running the first five miles right along a highway--you name it.  The race was held at National Harbor, which I think was where the organizers went so wrong.

Fortunately, we had a great day regardless.  There was chocolate fondue and hot chocolate waiting for us at the end--that part was actually very well organized, suggesting to me that the race organizers simply have their priorities set on food.  And, really, why argue with that?

I feel a bit like I'm cheating by posting this photo, since I obviously didn't take it, nor was it even taken with my camera.  That said, it's such a fun shot of my friends Evan, Maureen, and I that I figure it ought be shared.  :)